Historical Significance

The Dome is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. both in it’s own right and as a contributing element of the a potential residential historic district of Sonora.

The building is eligible for listing at the local level for its association with the economic and social development and growth of Sonora in the early 20th century. The building has long been a local landmark, and is visible from throughout much of the town on its hilltop location. The building embodies the distinctive characteristics of a Neoclassical style building from the time period. The full-height colonnade and classical architrave and frieze are defining features of the Neoclassic architectural style.

The building has no exterior alterations and continues to display the original design and appearance of the style. It conveys the growth and regional importance of Sonora in the 29th century, and is associated with the lives of several locally prominent individuals and families.